Our mission is to ensure the generation of accurate and precise findings.

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Our Services

Fostering Knowledge and Expertise in Neuropsychiatric Research

Our services and expectations in the lab include:

- To conduct and train postgraduate and undergraduate students on neuroscience-related experiments and techniques for healthier brains, including behavioral studies, biochemical and molecular assays.

These experiments cover techniques on spectrochemistry, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA), western blotting, immunohistochemistry, and imaging technique through super resolution fluorescent microscopy.

Importantly, the newly acquired vibratome machine, a scientific instrument used to cut thin slices of tissue for examination under a microscope, provides a unique opportunity to train students and early career scientists in Nigeria on free-floating methods of immunohistochemistry, which was one of the trainings Dr Ben-Azu received during his first postdoctoral training in Prof Tremblay lab at the University of Victoria, Victoria, BC, Canada.

- Other services include animal modelling, stereotactic surgery, and research paper writing. Our target audience include postgraduate, undergraduates, students, researchers, biological/medical scientists, medical health professionals.